Mary warren the crucible download free
Mary warren the crucible download free

mary warren the crucible download free

Scene 2 reveals the impact of the witch trials and the frenzy they have created in Salem, reinforcing the theme of how easily a mob can be influenced.

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Elizabeth asks Proctor to speak to Abigail and tell her that no chance exists of Proctor marrying her if something happened to Elizabeth. Elizabeth realizes that Abigail wants to take her place as Proctor's wife. Elizabeth believes that Abigail will accuse her of witchcraft and then have her executed. Mary Warren states that Elizabeth was accused, but she defended Elizabeth and the court dismissed the accusation.Įlizabeth tells Proctor that Abigail wants to get rid of her. Proctor becomes angry because he believes the court is condemning people without solid evidence. Mary Warren tells Elizabeth and Proctor that thirty-nine people are in jail, and Goody Osburn will hang because she did not confess to witchcraft.

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Mary Warren gives Elizabeth a poppet that she made while in court. Proctor is furious that she has been in Salem all day, but Mary Warren tells him she will be gone every day because she is an official of the court. Mary Warren returns to the Proctor house.

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