Hogwarts legacy achievements steam
Hogwarts legacy achievements steam

So it could be that this game is still dealing with bugs that are directly affecting achievements not being triggered during the campaign. But others had said that this achievement would still unlock regardless if these items were chosen before the game was released into the marketplace. There are theories that this might have had something to do with players sorting into their houses and selecting a wand before the game was released. So it’s a wonder how some players pulled this achievement off without unlocking the introduction achievement to the video game. But players are confused because 95% of gamers managed to unlock A Talent for Spending achievement, which is spending 5 Talent Points, which is possible after the sorting ceremony.

hogwarts legacy achievements steam

This is an early achievement where players complete the introduction and finish the Sorting Ceremony. Thanks to a new Reddit post, we’re finding out that some players are missing an achievement from early in the game campaign.Ī Reddit post by user NickySnipez revealed two trophies that show only 83% of gamers have managed to earn The Sort Who Makes an Entrance achievement. But it seems that some players are missing out on achievements for the Xbox Series X/S platform. It seems the hype was justified as it received great reviews, and fans have continued to enjoy the game now a month after its release.

hogwarts legacy achievements steam

Hogwarts Legacy was one of the more anticipated video game titles heading into the marketplace this year.

Hogwarts legacy achievements steam